Nut allergy ‘hits Asian children’

May 29

This article is based on only 2 clinics in London, England seeing an increase in nut allergies. It needs more research since there can be many reasons why this could be happening. The research needs to include many more clinics. A disproportionately high number of Asian children are being diagnosed with nut allergy, a leading expert says. Dr Abbass Khakoo, medical...

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Allergic to Other Foods? Quaker Has Warnings for You Too.

May 28

Today, I contacted PepsiCo Canada, and they kindly faxed me the notice regarding the introduction of new allergens in their Rice Cakes and Crispy Minis products (see our previous article “News of Quaker Rice Cakes New Allergen Warnings Slow to Spread”). In addition to peanut, which may now be present in all Quaker Rice Cakes and Crispy Minis, several...

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News of Quaker Rice Cakes New Allergen Warnings Slow to Spread

May 28

News of Quaker Rice Cakes New Allergen Warnings Slow to Spread

Although it has been a little over three months since PepsiCo Foods Canada announced that their Quaker Rice Cakes and Crispy Minis now may contain peanut, I’ve been disturbed that they are still on the menu at daycares with peanut-allergic children in our city. In fact, these products were for so long considered a staple as a “safe-snack,” and many still consider...

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Parents offered new choices in allergen-free food

May 21

Enjoy Life is by now a well-known brand, and one that many of us have grown used to seeing in our grocery stores if not in our cupboards. This is a great story of a couple of guys who wanted to help out the growing population of allergy sufferers. An idea that started as a class project between two friends is big business in the booming food allergy and intolerance...

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The Nut-Free Mom Blog: New Peanut Flour Warnings for General Mills Cereals

May 20

Jenny at Nut-Free Mom has sent us this warning, and all should read! This just goes to show you that our everyday foods can become unsafe for those in our homes.    New Peanut Flour Warnings for General Mills Cereals I just got an alert from my local food allergy support group and wanted to pass it along. Please check the ingredients lists of your General Mills...

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